This is the story of an IBS and SIBO sufferer who has learnt how to manage his symptoms by changing his lifestyle and diet. Hi Josh, would you like to share your story with the readers of Journey Into The Low FODMAP Diet? My name is Josh and I am a fellow IBS (Irritable […]
Tag Archives: SIBO
#034 Dietitian Chloe Adams Explains Differences Between SIBO and IBS
Chloe Adams, a low FODMAP specialised dietitian from England, explains the relationship between SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) and IBS symptoms. In this episode, you’ll learn: How did Chloe come across the low FODMAP diet? What exactly is SIBO and what is its link to IBS? Do SIBO and IBS have similar symptoms and does […]
#003 Patsy Catsos RD talks about IBS symptoms and the low FODMAP diet
Patsy Catsos is a registered dietitian specialised on the Low FODMAP Diet. Her special area of interest is in digestive health and she is a professional member of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She is also […]